Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Guess where Gabbie and I are going from March 30th to April 8th! Yep! France. How awesome is that! We found really cheap tickets and will have a free place to stay (with my sister, Billee, who is there for school this semester). Now, Gabbie will just have to be able to get me on the plane and keep me calm for the 8 hour flight. You can start praying for her (and me) now. :)


  1. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Jealous!!! (in a totally Christian way) That is awesome! You will have to take tons of pictures!

  2. That sounds fabulous! Yeah! What a special trip that will be for you and Gab (and Billie)! So excited for you. Should we send our DVD player with you all to help Gab distract you on the flight? :)

  3. I'm so excited for you! You'll have so much fun with Gabbie and taking tons of pictures! I want to see them. :)

  4. Exciting! (I understand the plane thing... so I'll be praying for you).

  5. Now that you're back, we want PICTURES and lots of stories!
