Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Guess where Gabbie and I are going from March 30th to April 8th! Yep! France. How awesome is that! We found really cheap tickets and will have a free place to stay (with my sister, Billee, who is there for school this semester). Now, Gabbie will just have to be able to get me on the plane and keep me calm for the 8 hour flight. You can start praying for her (and me) now. :)

Friday, February 27, 2009

New Paint

The wall color went from brown paneling to a grayish-blue called Restless Seas. I was excited to finally decorate with our wedding gifts (and still have more to do.) The best part is that we actually have drawer space to put away our clothes and the room is staying clean.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Please pray for Abby

Abby is a little girl suffering with Leukemia who was adopted from Guatemala. Please pray for her if you get time. She is in the hospital and not doing well right now. I've been reading the families' blog for several months and have enjoyed seeing their faith in God as they walk through this trial.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


My boss (with whom I have an ongoing debate about Jesus NOT being a zombie) sent me the following news article from msnbc:

Zombies! Run! (TxDOT is Not Amused)
The Texas Department of Transportation isn't laughing at the ghoulish warning that appeared on an Austin traffic sign.Someone altered the digital sign to warn drivers to "run" from the "zombies ahead.""The end is near!!!!!!!!!" the sign exclaimed. "Caution! Zombies ahead!!!""Run for cold climates," the sign instructed motorists.While some people found it funny, TxDOT says the signs are there to display traffic information.The department is now trying to figure out who hacked into its digital road sign system.

I think it's hilarious. However, I do wonder if I would have been a bit freaked out if I had seen it (bad experience with the movie "Night of the Living Dead). Just for a second, of course. . .

Saturday, January 31, 2009

New Plan

So that bedroom set that was going to take 6-12weeks . . . will be here on Thursday. Our bedroom is the only room in the house left with that old brown paneling. We thought about eventually putting up new drywall, but knowing us--it's not going to happen. So, this morning I called Josh (he's at school in Chicago today) and asked if we could just go ahead and paint it. He said yes (which I'm pretty sure he will be regretting soon!) Wish me luck! (Also, if anyone has free time you can help! :) )

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Long Awaited Dream

We recently ordered our new bed room set. Here is the link: http://www.kincaidfurniture.com/item_detail.cfm?pid=2997

(It will actually be darker than the picture looks. The stain is called "Espresso.")

I'm really excited. I have always wanted a nice bedroom set. We decided to use our wedding money and some savings to invest in a solid wood set that would last for a long time. Now the wait begins 6 to 12 weeks until it is delivered. Yay!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I made my own blog signature today. It ONLY took about 2 hours. Well worth my time and effort? Not sure. Hopefully it will appear below. . .

Saturday, January 3, 2009

my prayer for 2009

I praise God for the new year that is ahead of us, as well as, for the year we are leaving behind. Such blessings-- those remembered and those anticipated. I praise God for the work He has done in me, yet I see the work still needed. So I ask the Lord, as this year begins, for a renewal and revival in me. A pursuing desire to know, love, and glorify Him more. A fervent, consistent prayer life. Specific opportunities for sharing His gospel and the courage and confidence in Him to share. A love for others that supercedes my love for me. A love of intimacy and a relationship of trust--with the Lord and those around me. Active love and sacrifice as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, etc. More time devoted to my relationship with the Lord, as well as, more discipline in general. A less self-dependant life. An obedient, gracious heart. That I would be a brighter reflection of Him, who is the author and perfector of my faith. And finally, that the Lord would use me as He wills, not I.

Looking forward to a blessed 2009.